15 August 2012


On their way to Nyalebbe, the team from Reach Architecture studios passed via the office of the Territory Administrator for a consultative meeting. The Administrator was pleased to receive them and pledged government support for the project, he assured the team as well as CDA that there is nothing that will avert the project that they are pursuing. He extended his appreciation for the work that development partners like CDA and Reach Architecture Studios are doing in the development and empowerment of the community which duty the government could not manage without the support of such partners.In the picture the Administrator in the middle of Crystal and Lisa in front of his office. He exceptionally expressed his excitement about the vision of building a Vocational Training Centre, which to him had never existed in the territory. He recalled that most people who have vocational skills like carpentry, tailoring, brick laying etc learn from their fathers and grand fathers which skills now do not suit the current trend of modernity, the Vocational Training Centre therefore will bring in new and fresh skills that will trigger new ways of doing things which is more environmental friendly as well as enabling the youth and the community live decent and dignified life.
After the meeting with the Administrator, the team had a stopover at a community radio station (la colom) where Crystal had an interview. The news later on went on air in the evening news and the next morning in local language (Alur) and French respectively.

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