07 October 2009

CDA re unite a family through the easterncongo.net

Through our website www.easterncongo.net we were able to reunite a family that has not been in touch for over 30years. Mukoi Abraham is an Alur by tribe and a member the Royal family from the Alur Hhiefdom of Anghal Colectivité in the Territory of Mahagi, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. He left home in 1979 while a young man, lived in Burundi for some time before proceeding to USA (Texas) where he lives now. He was so exited when he came across easterncongo.net and new he had got near home, he made contact with me and I was able to reach his family, they are now in touch after all those years, we so happy for him and his family.


BEDIJO said...

Dear Vice, thank you very much for the contribution and for everything you do to promote the development of Nyalebbe. I was very much excited when I got to you website. Being also an alur, I'm really happy. Actually I was busy trying to get some information about the alur people and this is the time I came to discover eastercongo... Many thank and blessings from the Almighty. By name, I'm Bedijo Ajaruva, student at the Catholic University of eastern africa, Nairobi. My village is in Djupagu, Atata but I grew up in Akonj kane. I do appreciate your work! Rwoth Mungu upok mugisa iwi tic peri ceke man iwi nyithind alur zoo.
I will happy to read more about this nyalebbe project. Congrats!! Bedijo, this is my personal address: bedijo@live.com or frederickbedijo@gmail.com

vince said...

Bedijo, i am excited to hear from you, most of all that you come from atata just a neighboring village to Nyalebbe. We are progressing towards the establishment of the school with the help from friends around the world, please when you come home pass by our office and please do not forget to share this with you friends.Vince